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The AVIQ, mental health at the center of an awareness campaign

In a context marked by two long years of health crisis and the suffering caused to citizens (social isolation, stress, teleworking, anxiety …), many people, all generations, show great distress. It is in view of these indicators that the Walloon authorities decided to launch an awareness campaign.

The ambition of the Walloon Agency for Quality of Life (AVIQ) is to offer each Walloon citizen answers adapted to their needs in terms of assistance, support, well-being and health, to enable them to lead a quality life, while simplifying their procedures and ensuring the improvement of the quality of its services.

The challenge

The challenge is great: to reach the Walloon citizens with the objective of encouraging them to talk to their entourage, to a health professional or to resort to existing information, listening and psychological support systems. All this while reaching the general public, regardless of their background, from young adults to senior citizens. Challenge accepted!

The three targets are young people aged 16 to 29, who have been greatly affected by the health crisis, adults aged 30 to 64, who are also in great distress (teleworking, difficult family situations) and people aged 65 and over (victims of extreme isolation).

A positive and hopeful campaign

After several workshops between our team and the AVIQ team, a digital strategy was validated. The campaign chooses optimism to address sometimes complex and difficult issues with a message of hope: To share is to be free. The campaign focuses on two main areas: raising awareness of the subject of mental health with a global call-to-action that links to a page dedicated to the campaign. Inform and refer directly to dedicated and useful content (advice, guides, presentations, information, etc.), via Social Media Advertising.

A teasing action of the campaign symbolically starts on January 17, the day of Blue Monday with “The Missing Person”. It arouses the public’s curiosity with visuals presenting everyday scenes in which a person is missing. A QR code invites the public to discover the story of this missing person on a smartphone.

On the occasion of the official launch of the campaign via a press conference given by Minister Christie Morreale, a “Testimonial Tree” imagined and built by SUPERBE – a sister company of the Niche – was inaugurated at the Delta, a cultural space of the Province of Namur. This connected tree prints the testimonies sent by the general public about mental health problems experienced. The device is original and consists of printers, which from QR codes, drop the testimonies. The words are printed in real time and fall gently like the leaves of a tree.

Other actions are deployed via different channels to reach a maximum of the three targets and encourage them to visit the site: videos of testimonies broadcast on the site and on social networks; posters and TEC bus wraps; social network campaigns (Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tinder, Happn…); digital posters in different cities, supermarkets, hospitals; broadcasting of a 15-second spot on television and in several movie theaters; broadcasting of inserts in the written press. Actions with influencers are also taking place with Melissa Nmrk, Axelle Blanpain, Gaelle Van Rosen and Juliet Bonomme.

La Niche has fully understood the issues surrounding mental health: breaking taboos, using a positive tone, speaking to everyone, not confining ourselves to “shrink” or “disease” clichés, but realizing that mental health concerns us all and that sharing and expressing ourselves can be done in many ways.

The results

Successfully reaching three targets in a short period of time! The campaign reached the general public with a strong and positive message. A wind of benevolence on Wallonia, which we are proud to have been able to accompany in this step for the common good, resolutely carrying hope.

The objective of visibility is reached with a significant number of views, interactions and sharing of testimonies. From January 17 to March 15, 2022, we collected:

  • +22K users
  • 37K page views and 4.2k clicks
  • 25,6% average engagement rate
  • 13K Facebook and Snapchat users
  • 1,5K views for "resources and downloads"
  • 346 document downloads

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